Tv soft sauna

The fountain of rejuvenation


Regular use of the sauna primarily strengthens the immune system. The body's blood vessels are "trained" to react quickly to adjust the body temperature to hot or cold. This alternation strengthens the blood vessels and arteries, keeping them elastic. In Finnish literature, the sauna has been referred to as a "fountain of rejuvenation". Medical research is constantly giving us new answers to what the effects of exposing bare skin to hot and cold means for body and soul.

Kaldkulp 1

Sauna & ice bathing

Combine sauna and ice bathing for new energy and an incredible feeling of freshness and well-being.

The alternation between hot and cold is stimulating for the immune system.

The heat that dilates the blood vessels reduces muscle tension and activates sweating. A shower or a bath in cold water causes the nervous systems to reverse the process, the blood vessels constrict and the pulse normalizes. This experience will give you increased mental presence, calm and not least lots of new energy.lse, ro og ikke minst masse ny energi.

There is no rule for in what order, for how long or how often to use different sauna rooms. A good piece of advice is to listen to your own body and start with a calm warm-up. The slightest discomfort tells you that it is enough.


Banja Sauna

Warm and efficient

The list of good effects a sauna can have seems endless, but here are some of them in no priority order:

  • Provides a deep cleansing of the entire body
  • Increases and strengthens the body's immune system
  • Increases combustion
  • Makes the skin "younger" with nourishment from within
  • Treats eczema and other skin problems
  • Reduces colds and flu
  • Relieves pain and chronic ailments
  • Increases blood circulation and oxygen uptake
  • Has a protective effect on the arteries, which is particularly important for diabetics
  • Helps regulate high blood pressure
  • Has a relaxing effect and reduces muscle pain
  • Frees heavy metals such as copper, cadmium, lead and zinc from the body
  • Counteracts stress and provides better sleep
  • Eases melancholy and depression
  • Has a balancing effect on the psyche and emotional life


Articles in media

MDPI 27.01.2021: De kardiometabolske helsefordelene ved badstueeksponering hos personer med yrker med høy stress. 9.01.2018: Badstue er like sunt som trening

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