Uteområdene på The Well

Med over 200 solsenger, flere bassenger, skogssauna, utendørs dusjer og en Poolside Bar har du alt du trenger for en perfekt dag. Området er omgitt av frodig natur, med velstelte hager og en unik skulptursti.

Det er lite som er bedre enn å nyte solens varme stråler her. Vi har alltid 30 grader i vannet og skulle ikke været vise seg fra sin beste side kan man boltre seg på 10 000 kvadratmeter spa inne. 

Outside Facilities

Poolside Terrace
Outdoor Pool | 30 degrees
Forest Sauna | 80 degrees
Outdoor Showers
Sculpture Trail
Poolside Bar

Warm Pool Terrace
Warm Pool | 36 degrees
Jacuzzis | 36 degrees
Outdoor Showers
Poolside Bar

Poolside Bar

At the Poolside Bar at The Well you can enjoy refreshing drinks and snacks while basking in the sun or relaxing by the pool.

Dress Code

As with the rest of The Well, it is optional to wear swimwear in the entire outdoor area. You can choose to sunbathe and swim with or without swimwear. We ask you to be considerate of other guests.

Every Tuesday is swimwear day, where everyone must wear swimwear throughout the facility.

The Sculpture Trail

The Well is all about wellness, and it can come in many forms. Great art experiences provide wellness for the soul, which is why we have created a unique offering exclusively for our guests.

At the end of the large outdoor pool, you will find the Sculpture Trail. Here, you can walk barefoot on soft and beautifully landscaped paths, exploring the many intriguing sculptures placed among the trees. During this exciting journey into the world of art, you will encounter works by renowned Norwegian and international artists that will both delight and engage you.

Per Ung, Anthony Gormley, Elena Engelsen, Enzo Plazzotta, Kirsten Kokkin, Nico Widerberg, and Bruce Denny are just some of the artists behind the thirty or so sculptures in the forest.

The Sculpture Trail is shielded from outside view, so feel free to stroll in your natural state, embracing the freedom and closeness to nature.