Gift Card

The Well is all about unwinding and taking a break from everyday life. What could be a better gift than exactly that? A gift card for experiences, me-time, and wellness.

In a stressful everyday life, it can be difficult to find time to take care of oneself. Give someone you care about the perfect opportunity to set aside time for self-care. A gift card for The Well can be used for exactly what one desires here with us, whether it's spa, accommodation, treatment, food, or products.

Buy a gift card for The Well and give a delightful experience to someone you care about!

The gift card can be purchased physically at our receptions or online. The gift card is loaded with a chosen amount. The gift card acts as a payment method for the sum it is loaded with throughout The Well. The gift card is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.


Gavekortet kan kjøpes fysisk i våre resepsjoner, eller på nett. Gavekortet fylles opp med et valgfritt beløp og fungerer som betalingsmiddel på den summen gavekortet er ladet med på hele The Well. Gavekortet er gyldig i 12 måneder fra utstedelsesdato.

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